
Showing posts from October, 2023

Blog #3: Book Spotlight: "The Art of Schmoozing by Joseph S Sanchez

  Blog #2: Book Spotlight: "The Art of Schmoozing " "The Art of Schmoozing: Mastering the Power of Personal Connections"  "The Art of Schmoozing" isn't merely another self-help guide. It is a holistic journey that unlocks the nuanced art of building genuine, impactful connections in both personal and professional spheres. The book amalgamates Sanchez's profound insights from years in academia and business, presenting them in an engaging, relatable manner. From strategies to build rapport to industry-specific tips, Sanchez meticulously covers the vast canvas of interpersonal relationships. Joseph S. Sanchez  commented, "The power of true connection is immense, and it's my mission to share this knowledge with as many as possible. This free promotion is not just about reaching a wider audience; it's about making a genuine impact. I genuinely believe that mastering the art of schmoozing can lead to both personal and communal growth." ...

Blog # 2: Book Spotlight: "Soar Like An Eagle" By Joseph S Sanchez

Blog 2: Book Spotlight: "Soar Like An Eagle"   Are You Just Another Worker Lost in the Rat Maze With Everyone Else? - Employment Strategist and Business Expert, Joseph S. Sanchez, Publishes Powerful New Volume to Help American Employees Get Ahead: 'Soar Like an Eagle, and Leave the Pack Behind' Author and educator  Joseph Sanchez  MBA announced the release of a new guidebook filled with the experience and practical advice he has taught for many years in classrooms and to his professional clients and friends. Serving as an easy-to-use guidebook and written in a no-nonsense way, "Soar Like an Eagle" guides workers out of the futility of doing the same thing, day in and day out, while getting back nothing. Offering tools and useful mental strategies, "Soar Like an Eagle" teaches that the road to better employment and a happier life is paved with good habits and smarter intentions. Published by Penmen Media LLC, the book is  available via Amazon . ...